What is the FAFSA Submission Summary

Posted - June 29, 2024

What is the FAFSA Submission Summary

After submitting a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), the Federal Student Aid office will send you a FAFSA Submission Summary. This document is an important part of the financial aid process. Below, I will provide a detailed explanation of the FAFSA Submission Summary, its significance, and what each section of the report contains.

What is the FAFSA Submission Summary?

The FAFSA Submission Summary is a detailed report that you receive after submitting the FAFSA. This summary contains all the information you provided on the FAFSA, including your family's financial details, the list of schools you are applying to, and your Student Aid Index (SAI). Essentially, it's a confirmation that your FAFSA has been processed and a summary of the information you've submitted.

Form with FAFSA Submission Summary

Why is the FAFSA Submission Summary Important?

1. The summary allows you to review the details you submitted to ensure accuracy. Any discrepancies or errors can affect the amount of financial aid your child may receive.

2. The schools listed on the FAFSA (up to 20 can be listed) will use this information to determine your child's financial aid package. Ensuring the accuracy of this summary helps streamline the process of receiving aid offers from multiple institutions.

3. The FAFSA Submission Summary includes your Student Aid Index (SAI), a key figure colleges use to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. Colleges often use the SAI to award their money (institutional aid).

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How to Review Your FAFSA Submission Summary

1. After submitting the FAFSA, you'll receive an email notification with instructions on how to access your FAFSA Submission Summary online. You can log in to the FAFSA website at fafsa.gov using your FSA ID to view the summary. By selecting the FAFSA listed under "My Activity" on your dashboard, you will be able go to your status tracker and select your FAFSA Submission Summary if it's ready for you to view.

2. Carefully review the information provided in the summary. Common errors include incorrect income figures, wrong social security numbers, and missing school codes. If you find any mistakes, you can correct them by logging back into your FAFSA application.

3. The summary includes your SAI, which schools use to determine how much financial aid your child is eligible for. A lower SAI generally indicates a higher need for financial aid. The summary federal student aid eligibility – federal Pell Grant, federal work study, and federal loans. These are all estimates, not a financial aid offer. The summary comes from the US Department of Education; your financial aid offer will come from each college that accepts you.

The submission summary has four sections: an eligibility overview (federal student), a summary of the information you entered in the FAFSA, a list of schools, and "next steps."

4. Keep a copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary for your records. You should refer to it when discussing financial aid packages with colleges or if any issues arise during the financial aid process.

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Next Steps After Reviewing the FAFSA Submission Summary

1. Corrections and Updates: If you find any errors, make the necessary corrections as soon as possible. The FAFSA allows for updates, especially if there are significant changes in your family's financial situation.

2. Schools may contact you for additional information or to verify the details provided in your FAFSA. Promptly responding to these requests ensures a smooth financial aid process and allows you to access funds awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. Remember that the FAFSA Submission Summary is not a financial aid offer. If accepted, you will receive financial aid packages from the colleges listed on your FAFSA.  Compare those awards carefully. Look beyond the total amount and consider the types of aid offered, such as grants, scholarships, and loans.

4. If you have any questions or need assistance understanding your FAFSA Submission Summary, don't hesitate to reach out to the financial aid offices of the colleges your child is applying to.


The FAFSA Submission Summary is a key document in the financial aid process, providing an overview of the information you submitted. By understanding and carefully reviewing this summary, you can ensure that your child is on the right track to receiving the financial aid they need for college. Remember, accuracy and prompt action are key to maximizing your financial aid opportunities.

For more tips and guidance on the FAFSA process, subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated with the latest information. As your trusted FAFSA coach, I'm here to help you navigate the complexities of financial aid and ensure your child's academic success.

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