3 Ways to Get Help with the FAFSA

Last updated on - May 31, 2023

3 Ways to Get Help with the FAFSA

Don't let the thought of completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) overwhelm you. Here are a few free resources to help you if you get stumped.

1. Live FAFSA Help

First, for live help, you can direct all of your FAFSA questions to Federal Student Aid representatives using live chat or the phone. This service is available 7 days a week. If you prefer, you could also email your questions. For more information and help with filling out your FAFSA, please visit Federal Student Aid Information Center.

>> RELATED: 16 Basic Financial Aid Terms You Should Know

2. FAFSA Videos

Another place to find help with filling out the FAFSA is YouTube. There are a number of videos available on YouTube, courtesy of the US Department of Education, to help you understand the FAFSA. Two videos I would recommend are:

3. Local FAFSA Help

Finally, help with filling out the FAFSA can often be found in your own backyard. Each year, colleges and other non-profit groups host financial aid presentations and hands-on FAFSA bootcamps to help families fill out the much dreaded FAFSA. For more resources, check with your high school counselor (or Google) to find local FAFSA workshops.

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